Having escaped hardship, thoudans of Chinese Uyghur men, women and children are rebuilding their lives in turkey.

The One Nation team in Istanbul delivers regular monthly food parcels to these refugeess and will provide much needed nutrition and hope.

One food parcel is designed to last one family for an entire month and can ensure that children and parents receive vital nutrition for healthy development.

Why Should You Donate?

Feeding others is one of the best Islamic traits and an intrinsic part of the Sunnah. Being a believer, is an action which we will be questioned about and will lead us into Jannah while protecting us from the Fire. It is a Sadaqah which we can give to our family, on behalf of our loved ones and even give it as a Sadaqah Jaariyah.

“Whoever saves one (life) – It is as if he had saved all of humanity” – [Quran 5:32]

Feed a Family
for a Month

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Feed a Family
for a Year