In this section, you will find different types of charities. Please click any of the following types of charities.
Zakat is a monetary worship that is incumbent on those possessing a certain amount of wealth. Giving Zakat is considered as a great act of worship in Islam.
The meaning of zakat is “to cleanse” or “purify”. When a Muslim gives Zakat to the poor he is essentially purifying his wealth and his soul.
Zakat is an act that is loved by Allah as through the payment of zakat, the rich share their wealth with those who are less fortunate.
Zakat is Fardh (compulsory) in Islam, anyone that denies it being a Fardh will come out of the fold of Islam.
Zakat is only eligible upon mature, sane men and women who meet Nisab threshold. If a person meets the requirements then 2.5% of their wealth must then be given.
This is the term used for giving charity in Islam.
All acts of worship through financial expenditure are classified as Sadaqah. Due to there being many types, they have been divided into 2 categories:
- Sadaqah Wajibah
- Sadaqah Nafilah
Sadaqah Wajibah
This is a general charity which is binding and that must be given to those in need. There are many types of Sadaqah Wajibah which are explained below.
Sadaqah al-Fitr is an emphasized Sunnah (which according to many is compulsory). This becomes due before Eid al Fitr Salah, although it is preferable to give it a few days before Eid so that the poor actually receive it and are able to spend it on Eid day.
If one does not give the Sadaqah al-Fitr, it will remain due no matter how much time passes after Eid.
If a person possesses the value of Nisab beyond his basic needs then they must give Sadaqah al-fitr.
The amount that must be given is equal to 1.6 kg of wheat or 3.2 kg of barley or it’s like. This does not mean that a person must distribute wheat or barley, one may give its equivalent value.
This is an action which becomes necessary due to one imposing it upon oneself.
This can be done if one wishes to express gratitude. If a person makes such an oath of giving charity, that then becomes Sadaqah Wajibah.
If they are unable to uphold the oath, they will have to give Kaffarah, and may be sinful.
This is compensation for missing Salah or fasting for a person who cannot perform them due to being in terminal illness or being deceased (in which case it is given out of a third of the wealth) or in the event of a person making a minor mistake in Hajj.
1.6kg of wheat or its value (the same amount given for Sadaqah al-Fitr) must be given to the poor for each salah or fast missed or for each minor mistake made during Hajj.
Kaffarah becomes binding as a form of redemption if a person breaks a fast intentionally, breaks an oath, or kills someone.
One Nation advises its donors to speak to a scholar for more details about Kaffarah.
This is also known as Qurbani or sacrifice. It is compulsory upon all mature Muslims who, on the day of Eid al-Adha possess Nisab.
One may slaughter goats or sheep, which constitute one sacrifice each, or one may slaughter a larger animal (i.e. cow or buffalo) which will be counted as seven sacrifices each.
This is the sacrifice of 1 or 2 animals to thank Allah for the birth of a child. 1 sheep is sacrificed for a girl and 2 for a boy.
By donating towards our Aqeeqah project, you will be providing a hot meal to poor and needy families.
Sadaqah Jariyah means a continuous, flowing and ongoing charity.
It is one of the most rewarding acts we can do in our lives as the benefits of giving this type of charity can be reaped in this lifetime and after one has passed away.