ZAKAT Policy
One Nation operates on a 100% Donation Policy on all donations including Zakat, Sadaqah, and Lillah.
The policies and procedures ensure that the Zakat collected is distributed according to Shariah Law. The charity works closely with our local and national Ulema to ensure zakat is implemented correctly.
One Nation distributes Zakat in the form of cash where appropriate. However, In war-torn countries and Rural areas around the world where the currency has little value or people have limited access to purchase aid and other materials.
In the interest of the beneficiary, the charity evaluates the need of the people and provide them with their consent (Wakalah) what is needed i.e. food, shelter, emergency aid, and clothing.
Who receives your Zakat?
To be eligible to receive zakat, the recipient must be a poor Muslim. A poor person is someone whose zakatable assets in excess of his basic requirements does not reach the value of the nisab threshold.
The recipient must not belong to your immediate family: your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat. Other relatives however, can receive your zakat.
How we distribute your Zakat?
The Zakat giver is freed from its obligation as soon as he grants full ownership and possession of it to any of the above mentioned categories. This can be done either by giving a certain amount of money, food, water and or accommodation in desperate circumstances to meet his basic requirements or by giving him a means of production or tools of trade to help him in becoming selfempowered.
We use the Hanafi Fiqh criteria in managing and distributing Zakat.