Gaza Appeal

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The forgotten land the occupied land


The devastation caused during the 2014 sustained military assault in Gaza was unprecedented. Half a million people were displaced, 60,000 homes were damaged or destroyed and Gaza’s infrastructure was obliterated.

The conflict may be over, but for over 108,000 people, the nightmares live on. There is limited access to food, water, medicine and electricity which makes them reliant on your ongoing support.

One Nation is now working on many projects in Gaza such as the distribution of food parcels and clean water, providing education, supplying food for iftar in Ramadan as well as rebuilding homes and providing medication to those that need it the most.

Our partners operate in all areas of the Gaza strip and we work closely with the local Hospitals to get medical aid to the most needy.

We’re doing all we can to help rebuild lives in Gaza, but the road is long. We can do nothing without your help.

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